Services Offered

Practices & Processes That will Help you Deliver

No matter where your company is on their Product Operating Model (POM) journey, Xploresoft is here to meet you where you are to help. While POM isn't a single way of working there are best practices and proven processes that can help you build products that customers love, creates significant business outcomes, and gets the most out of your technology investments.

The following are the practices and processes that Xploresoft can help you with. These are listed in a recommended order as you progress in your Product Operating Model maturity.

4. Discovery

  • Feasibility Spike
  • Event Storming
  • Solution Prototyping
  • Value Testing
  • Business Viability

5. Delivery

  • Agile Coaching
  • Instrumentation
  • Continuous Delivery
  • Feature Flags
  • Success Monitoring
Are You Ready?!

Let's Build your next idea together.