Our Blog

Original Product Management Articles

With a focus on Product Management our blog entries are tagged with one or more of the three critical elements of People, Process, and/or Practice. When more than one is tagged to an article the higher weighted factors is first.


The leaders, individual contributors, and teams with defined roles and skills who collaborate to create and support the product.


The entire sequence of activities and steps taken to complete a specific task. Its purpose is to provide a clear, repeatable, and efficient path for achieving specific outcomes.


The techniques you develop over time to establish high-quality, efficient, and effective ways of working based on experience.

Measuring Business Value
September 20, 2021

How to use a mix of subjective and objectives measures to verify the business value you are getting out of Product Teams.

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High-Performing Teams
April 15, 2021

A team needs all of the skills necessary to do what is being asked of them and they need to be empowered to use those skills...

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Defining A Product Vision
January 3, 2021

A well-crafted product vision acts as the North Star, guiding the development team toward a shared goal and ensuring that...

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